How it works

I work with my clients through multiple mediums, including face-to-face sessions, Zoom, and Skype meetings. Each session is tailored to your needs in a totally safe, secure, and confidential environment. It is important that you feel relaxed and comfortable so I can give you free rein and unlock your ability to recall your experiences without fear and start healing. I am always discreet, compassionate and understanding with any information I am privileged to receive.

I use a range of techniques, including neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) for the mind, body and soul. NLP is the understanding of words and language and the power they have to affect our lives. The way we recall past events, speak about ourselves, and describe our lives are incredibly influential to our thought patterns and eventual actions. It is so important to realize our behaviors and patterns and notice the effect they have on us. I will teach you how to take note of any detrimental behavior and alter your language for more positive outcomes.

I will delve deep into your life by asking you lots of questions and stepping into your life as you take me through your memories. As you open up your life and experiences to me, we will create solutions together that help resolve historical issues and concerns that you are both aware and unaware of, allowing you to release the emotional triggers associated with past events. Our time together will give you the ability to let go of limiting decisions, fears, and phobias.

If this sounds daunting, please do not worry. When we are working together, you will be comforted to learn that we do not drag through trauma with a fine-tooth comb. We simply identify the trigger, discuss how to overcome it and, in some instances, harness the unwanted feelings for a more positive outcome. We are here to conquer our futures, not to live in the past.

Coaching will open your eyes to permanent life skills that will support you in forging the perfect life you imagined. It teaches people ways to improve their relationships, gain clarity and purpose, boost their careers and elevate their day-to-day lives. Immersing yourself in a journey with your life coach will be transformational for your life, and you will wonder why you didn’t embrace the process sooner.

Audrey Hepburn once said, “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible”. This is important to remember when you join me on your journey and I cannot wait to embark on this path with you. I will be with you every step of the way to usher you into the life you deserve. You will be equipped with all the tools you’ll need to enjoy a future you have only dreamt of until now. All you need to do is take that first step.